Hello, in the 60s and 70sI was raised as a J.W. and never attended another religion. I was also one of those children that parents had to leave in the middle of the night because of the blood issue. It was fun, where I was raised the Dub always got together and had a really great time. Up North was tough, people were critical of everything. If my older brother had his shirt pulled out the elders would constantly correct him, as if ,he had control of his shirt falling out of his pants.
Ayhow back to Westminster Calif, people were sneaking across the boarders and bringing medication back from Mexico which was illegal in the states. Every other day, I went to Mexico to get shots or bring them back with a car load of older J.W. women who were sick. These women would come from all over the world. We always went in groups of people who were very sick and some old. Most of the time they just scared me to death. Had me believing that I was going to die as soon as I became an adult. Trust me it was their way of getting together! bunch of bull!
When I went to public school, I had to stand up next to a building by a Flag all day long so I could get vitamins. Play day was taken away from me and I had to sit in the library. They all became health freaks! the school nurse and doctors vs. parents and the local elders, etc,. They took me out of public school with a tutor who didn't do much and I missed my friends from school. I was a very social child and loved people and my friends.
The move up North was hard on everyone, thanks to the elders who said we needed to get out of Calif because of the court system! Anyhow, I did go back to public school but still had to walk around the track instead of socializing with the other children. It was all so stupid in Calif, in fact I do not remember any time when the courts threaten to take me away from my mom. There was a couple of cases in the paper! and that panic all the J.W.
To answer your question I believed that we were God's people. Up North, the J.W. did not socialize with the children like Westminster J.W. So I longed to have friends, go to dances, games, and all the things J.W. children were not allow to do. Yes, I do blame the religion for my lack of education! I also blame my mother and the elders!
Later on in life, I went back to school and was the first one to get a college education! and the college kids well the view me as one of them instead of an older person. That was fun!
I would say leave the organization and go to college! Ignore religion for awhile and attend school. It was the best time of my life.